A downloadable game for Windows


Created by OctoPlay

Saurcery follows the story of Pterry, a young pterodactyl who is the last surviving dinosaur after the meteor that killed all the other dinosaurs. With the help of bones collected by the player and some silly amateur black magic, Pterry is determined to make sure the dinosaurs will live on and his dead friends resurrected.

Team Game Page: https://octoplay.itch.io/saurcery

Saurcery was created by the Octoplay team:

  • David Ramtulla
  • Patricia Calica
  • Daniel Feliciano
  • Avery Gabel


Saurcery_FINAL-1.zip 76 MB

Install instructions

Just download the zipped folder to a Windows PC, unzip and click the Saurcery executable to be transported to the experience!